Histiocitom: Benigni Pseći Tumor Ne Baš Prijateljskog Izgleda I Osjećaja
Histiocitom: Benigni Pseći Tumor Ne Baš Prijateljskog Izgleda I Osjećaja

Oba moja francuska buldoga patila su od neuglednih, često svrbežnih i tehnički benignih tumora koje nazivamo histiocitoma. Iako se histiocitomi obično riješe nakon dva do tri mjeseca, nesigurnost provenijencije ovog tumora navodi većinu veterinara da ga odsjeku (ili barem dio) kako bi osigurali njegovu benignost.

Hirurško skalpiranje "benigne" mase može vam zvučati ekstremno, ali budući da histiocitomi mogu biti i dosadni i zastrašujući, često je naznačena operacija.

Dosadno: Budući da se često pojavljuju na glavi i stopalima, na mjestima gdje se savršeno okrugla, ulcerirana masa može lako ogrebati ili polizati.

Zastrašujuće: jer je teško reći je li ono što se upravo pojavilo na koži vašeg psa (a to se obično događa brzo) gadni tumor mastocita (ili neka druga takva masa čudovišta) … ili njegov jednostavniji rođak, histiocitom.

Zastrašujuće: jer je teško reći je li ono što se upravo pojavilo na koži vašeg psa (a to se obično događa brzo) gadni tumor mastocita (ili neka druga takva masa čudovišta) … ili njegov jednostavniji rođak, histiocitom.

while young dogs (under three years of age) are more likely to get these, they can happen to dogs of any age. indeed, my older frenchie, sophie sue got one about a year ago. she was nine-not exactly a spring chicken. vincent has had three. and he’s not yet two years old.

some breeds are more predisposed. labrador retrievers and boxers, for example. though frenchies aren’t on the list, perhaps they should be… (perhaps they should be on the list for almost everything if my recent round of healthcare scares is any guide.)

ugly and prominently placed as they typically are, most owners want histiocytomas removed. some vets, however, will counsel owners to either wait a few weeks (especially if the dog is young and statistically less likely to be suffering from a malignant mass) or to have a simple section of it snipped (with a local anesthetic) for histopathological analysis at the pathology lab.

other vets will even take a needle poke at it, though most pathologists find that histiocytomas are not easily disgnosed definitively through this method (cytology).

if the dog is older or the mass is especially annoying to the dog or owner, however, we remove the whole sucker and clean up the mess quickly. unfortunately, though, this approach is more costly and usually requires general anesthesia. it’s nonetheless the approach i take for more than half of these tumors…better to be safe than sorry, right?

still, most owners need to know they have a choice. the nervous nellies among you (like me) are less likely to want to stare at a mass for a couple of months to see if it simply goes away. the rational or more anesthetically cautious, however, are justified in waiting-as long as their dog is young and/or hasn’t suffered from malignant masses in the past.

whatever choice you make, consider histiocytomas an excellent foray into the world of skin tumors. it’s like a warm-up for what’s likely to come as your dog ages. and it’s not all bad. look on the bright side: curing cancer is sometimes just a scalpel slice away.

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